An attacker attempts credential theft by spoofing the USDA with an official-sounding message and a PDF attachment containing a QR code that leads to a phishing site.
An attacker pretends to be from Spotify’s customer support, inquiring about updating payment details, and creates a legitimate-looking fake Spotify login page where sensitive information can be stolen.
An attacker embeds a malicious link into an image file that looks like a Microsoft Office 365 password change alert and includes official-sounding written disclosures to increase credibility.
Harnessing a legitimate-looking domain as a mask, an attacker attempts to infect a recipient's computer with malware by pretending to send a voicemail attachment.
By leveraging a domain similar to official Robinhood communications, an attacker attempts to steal sensitive information by creating a sense of urgency.
An attacker gains control of a vacation resort’s customer service email address and attempts to steal sensitive information after informing the recipient of a refund.