In this likely AI-generated malware attack, threat actors use a compromised email address to deceive recipients with alarming claims of a data breach. Using the subject line "Your Data Has Been Leaked," the attacker informs the recipient that their personal information may have been compromised in a recent security breach and urges immediate action. The email directs the recipient to click the embedded link to download a file purportedly containing the leaked information. While the link is hosted on GitHub, a legitimate website, should the target click the button and download the file, it will likely install malware on their device, potentially leading to data theft or system compromise. By playing on the recipient’s fear of personal information being exposed, the attacker hopes to manipulate them into clicking the link without questioning the email's authenticity.

Older, legacy email security tools struggle to accurately identify this email as an attack because it originates from a legitimate compromised account, employs sophisticated social engineering tactics, and lacks obviously malicious attachments. Modern, AI-powered email security solutions analyze suspicious links, flag unusual content within the message, and recognize the sender is unknown to the recipient to correctly identify the email as an attack. 

Status Bar Dots
SCR 20240912 mgoy

Likely AI-generated malicious email claiming target’s private information has been compromised

How Does This Attack Bypass Email Defenses?

This email attack bypasses traditional security solutions for multiple reasons, including the following:

  • Compromised Email Address: The attacker uses a legitimate email address from a compromised account, bypassing basic email verification checks and adding perceived authenticity.
  • Social Engineering Tactic: The email claims that the recipient's data has been leaked, creating a sense of urgency and prompting immediate action.
  • Absence of Malicious Attachments: By providing a link to a malware-infected file on GitHub instead of including suspicious attachments, the email avoids detection by antivirus and anti-malware systems focused on attachment-based threats.

How Did Abnormal Detect This Attack?

This attack was detected using AI and ML by analyzing various factors, including the following:

  • Suspicious Link Analysis: The presence of a link directing the recipient to download malware from the legitimate GitHub website is scrutinized by Abnormal’s systems, triggering deeper analysis for possible malicious intent.
  • Content Analysis: The email's urgent message about a data breach and instructions to download a leaked file is flagged by Abnormal’s content analysis algorithms as a phishing tactic.
  • Unknown Sender Consideration: The email is recognized as coming from an unknown sender who has never communicated with the recipient. Abnormal’s platform maintains a communication history and quickly flags deviations from established patterns of sender-recipient interactions.

By recognizing established normal behavior and detecting these abnormal indicators, a modern email security solution has the ability to prevent this attack from reaching inboxes.

Please note the exact detection mechanism from Abnormal Security's system might include proprietary techniques and methodologies not disclosed here.

Analysis Overview




Malware Delivery


External Compromised Account


Suspicious Account Activity
Fake Document
Security Update

Impersonated Party

External Party - Other

AI Generated


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